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Coles County Farmland Auction
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In Person Auction:
Auction Time: Thursday, September 22nd 10:00 AM CDT
Bidding Procedure
This property will be offered in 8 individual tracts. Tract 1 will not be able to be combined with Tracts 2-8 and must be bid on individually. Tracts 2-8 will be offered as individual tracts, any combination of tracts, or as a whole property. The property will be sold in the manner resulting in the highest total sale price. Bidding will be done on lump sum total dollars per tract, not dollars per acre.
Contact an MWA representative with any questions regarding the bidding procedure or property.
To participate in mobile bidding, bidders must be registered before Tuesday, September 20 at Noon. Once the online registration form is filled out it will be automatically sent to Murray Wise Associates for approval to allow bidding. Auction company may request a letter of recommendation from prospective bidder’s financial institution stating funds are available for the 10% deposit and that bidder has the financial capacity for final purchase. Onsite registration will take place prior to 10AM on Thursday, September 22, 2022. For any questions about mobile bidding, contact Elizabeth Strom at (217) 398-6400 or
The entire property to be offered at the Auction consists of approximately 509± acres located in Humboldt Township, Coles County, Illinois and consisting of eight tracts described as follows:
Tract 1-4 and 6-8:
Prime Class A farmland with tracts ranging in size from 32± acres to 105± acres and featuring predominantly Drummer-Milford silty clay loam and Flanagan silt loam. These tracts offer an incredible opportunity for buyers looking for prime Illinois farmland.
Tract 5:
Unique combination of income producing Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land with many abundant recreational opportunities.
Taxable acres per tract are as follows:
Tract 1: 71.00 acres
Tract 2: 104.83 acres
Tract 3: 76.88 acres
Tract 4: 78.50 acres
Tract 5: 27.79 acres
Tract 6: 40.00 acres
Tract 7: 79.00 acres
Tract 8: 31.82 acres
Coles County Farmland Auction
Start Time
End Time
In Person Auction:
Auction Time: Thursday, September 22nd 10:00 AM CDT
Bidding Procedure
This property will be offered in 8 individual tracts. Tract 1 will not be able to be combined with Tracts 2-8 and must be bid on individually. Tracts 2-8 will be offered as individual tracts, any combination of tracts, or as a whole property. The property will be sold in the manner resulting in the highest total sale price. Bidding will be done on lump sum total dollars per tract, not dollars per acre.
Contact an MWA representative with any questions regarding the bidding procedure or property.
To participate in mobile bidding, bidders must be registered before Tuesday, September 20 at Noon. Once the online registration form is filled out it will be automatically sent to Murray Wise Associates for approval to allow bidding. Auction company may request a letter of recommendation from prospective bidder’s financial institution stating funds are available for the 10% deposit and that bidder has the financial capacity for final purchase. Onsite registration will take place prior to 10AM on Thursday, September 22, 2022. For any questions about mobile bidding, contact Elizabeth Strom at (217) 398-6400 or
The entire property to be offered at the Auction consists of approximately 509± acres located in Humboldt Township, Coles County, Illinois and consisting of eight tracts described as follows:
Tract 1-4 and 6-8:
Prime Class A farmland with tracts ranging in size from 32± acres to 105± acres and featuring predominantly Drummer-Milford silty clay loam and Flanagan silt loam. These tracts offer an incredible opportunity for buyers looking for prime Illinois farmland.
Tract 5:
Unique combination of income producing Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land with many abundant recreational opportunities.
Taxable acres per tract are as follows:
Tract 1: 71.00 acres
Tract 2: 104.83 acres
Tract 3: 76.88 acres
Tract 4: 78.50 acres
Tract 5: 27.79 acres
Tract 6: 40.00 acres
Tract 7: 79.00 acres
Tract 8: 31.82 acres
Chariton County Farmland Auction
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